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Thank you for your contribution to our ministry.

With your help, we are able to serve our risen Savior through this powerful outreach ministry.

We invite you to peruse this page to find out what people are saying about Prison Evangelism as well as David Howell, our ministry leader.

“David Howell is to be commended for producing a tract that goes beyond what one usually expects! The gospel is clearly presented, illustrated, and with an eye toward discipleship as well. I predict lots of people will take up and read, and may they come to Christ as Savior and Lord!”.

David L. Allen
Dean, School of Theology and Professor of Preaching
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Fort Worth, Texas

“For several years David Howell has shared with me his dream of how to help others. Come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, Lord, Helper in the struggles of this life. I know he has prayed much and worked with great diligence to prepare this amazing book on HOW TO BE A CHILD OF GOD! In Biblical terminology ‘I BLESS THIS BOOK!’. With that !blessing’ I pray for its great success! I am convinced that it Will help many ‘see and understand’ how God can and will ‘exchange their Old messed up life’ to ‘A New Life in Jesus Christ’”.

James R. DeLoach
Senior Associate Pastor
Second Baptist Church
Houston, Texas

“This book presents complete salvation, in pictorial fashion, that a new believer may grasp the import of his death and resurrection with Christ (Gal. 2:20) from the beginning. Since Jesus came not only to forgive sins, but to give us His life, we are saved from ourselves as well. (Rom. 5:10)

The Holy Spirit has been pleased to bless the diagrams illustrating scripture in my first book, Handbook to Happiness (Tyndale 1971), with transformed lives; it is my prayer that He will use this pictorial presentation to bring truth to life for new believers, as well as life to truth (Rom. 6) for seasoned Christians.”

Charles R. Solomon, Ed. D.
Founder and President
Grace Fellowship International

“How to be a Child of God” is the best book introducing faith that I have seen in a long time. Firstly, the illustrations by Randy Rogers are fantastic and really assist in bringing the book to life. The good thing about the illustrations to me is that this book is not only geared to adults, but can also be eye catching to younger children. Placing the scriptural references at the bottom of each page is a smart move that shows that these thoughts are not your own, but come directly from the Bible. That is very important.

It was interesting that you began the book by introducing Christ rather than introducing Adam as many books do. You showed Christ’s humanity by showing how he was born of woman, found a trade, and lived as many people do. You didn’t present the information in a way that seemed above the readers head, but in an understandable way that makes the reader want to keep learning about becoming a child of God. I must thank you for mentioning the importance of water baptism because it is an important part of the conversion experience that is often left out of material such as this. I believe this book is excellently written and will be very compelling to the reader. As a college student, I found it informative and very intriguing. I would read it again as well as share it with believers and non-believers. If I can help you in any way, do not hesitate to let me know.

Kylan Edmondson
Communications Major
Lee University

David: I am really impressed with your book on “How To Be A Child Of God.”
The offenders on the San Saba Unit have really been blessed by them. We have given almost all of them out. This is a truly inspired way to present the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the lost men on our unit. The graphics are amazing. The theology is sound and the Holy Spirit is blessing its use to reach men for Christ. Thank you so much for sharing this book with us as we seek to make a difference in the lives of the offenders on our unit. God bless you; as you have been a real blessing to us. I saw the video link and was truly amazed. Again, thank you for your ministry. You will be in my prayers for God to continue to use you in a mighty way for His glory.

Yours in Christ,

Chaplain Taylor
San Saba Unit
Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Dear Mr. Howell,
I am an inmate at the Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice. I have received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I read and study the Bible every day. I have trouble understanding some scriptures. I read your book (How to be a Child of God) and I love it. I am indigent and can’t buy any books, and our unit chaplain is very limited on Bible literature. I was wondering if you have any other books or literature that will help me understand the scriptures. I am so eager to learn and understand. God bless you for the good work you do.

Thank you,

Richard H. #14000076
Texas Department of Criminal Justice

When it comes to one-on-one-evangelism, “How To Be A Child OF God” can be one of the most effective tools offered in this present day. Its clear message and theological soundness make it an essential element in the life of our ministry. I encourage other ministries to consider this great witnessing tool as well.


Mark Trammell
Mark Trammell Quartet
Gadsden, Alabama

How to Be a Child of God is a must -read, must-use and must-pass-on tool for ministry leaders. I am highly impressed by the depth of truth packed into these pages and the clear and easy-to-follow illustrations of a Christian’s identity in Christ. We at Redeemed Girl Ministires plan to give this tool to young women who pray to receive Christ at our evangelistic events. I know David Howell personally, I respect him immensely and I know above all else that his passion is to see men and women set free in Jesus Christ.”

Marian Jordan Ellis,
Author, Bible teacher and founder of Redeemed Girl Ministries
Great for Beginning Christians, August 11, 2012

“How to Be A Child of God” is a short book written by David Howell. What I liked about this book is that it is the perfect introduction to what it is to be a Christian. This book is written is a series of pictures and short explanations, almost like you are reading a comic book. The illustrations are wonderful, and Howell keeps the narrative simple, and easy to understand. This book centers on God’s sacrifice to send his son to die for our sins, but also discusses Christian fundamentals, like eternal life, the first sin of Adam and Eve, and what is means to be reborn. This would be a wonderful gift for a new Christian, or someone who wants to know more about being a Christian. I think this would also be appropriate for middle school aged children, as a way to explain to them what it means to be a child of God. Wonderful resource – highly recommend this


“This is the most captivating book and video I have ever seen. I first saw the book at the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans and fell in love with it. When I returned home I showed it to my key leaders and we were all so amazed at how well it shared the gospel message. It not only gave the “plan of salvation”, but it also explained why we need to be saved in the first place. We were so impressed we purchased 400 copies and gave them to our kids to give out to their friends at school. We also embedded the video from the website on our homepage for six weeks. Our internet traffic increased greatly and there is no telling how many have trusted Christ because of it. It is now on our website’s “salvation page”. God is doing a great work and He is using this video and this little “comic book” to share His love and grace with children and adults.”

Chris Layton
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church ot Runnelstown (MS)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I want to thank you for all of the copies of How to be a Child of God! I put them out this weekend for Chapel services and they flew out the door. They were very well received. I know that materials like these are not cheap so please pass my thanks on those that helped provide them.

Keep up the good work and thank you for caring for those that so many have forgotten.

Chaplain George Hanson

A child of God

We recently received at Mike Durfee State Prison approximately 100 “How to be a Child of God” booklets. We deeply appreciate them. We will be using them at an event that will be available to all 1200 inmates. At that time, we will also be distributing everyone a copy of the book of John. If you would have more copies to donate or as additional resources on discipleship to follow up with, we would greatly appreciate it. The Christian community inside provided a hamburger meal and free materials at this special event.

Thank you so much for helping out.

Chaplain Connie

Dear David Howell,

Please know that I am incarcerated in the “Texas Department of Criminal Justice – Institutional Division”, and at this time I am assigned to the “Michael Unit” here in Tennessee Colony, Texas. I am a new Christian, for I got saved on August, 20 2013 and I pray to be baptized on Saturday:August, 31 2013.

It is my prayers that you will be willing to send me a copy of your booklet “How to be a child of God.” I also hope that will send me any other literature you can that is good for a new Christian.

Please know that your time and help is appreciated and I thank you. I hope to hear from you soon.

God bless you.In His Grace

David A. Roe

Hi David,

This is Jeffrey Roman McClatchy. I am an inmate in Harris County Jail. I am originally from Russia. I got adopted when I was 11 years old. Right now I am 19 years old and I am struggling with my life. I have started reading “How to be a child of God” and I really like it. I accept God into my life.

Can you please send me some books about God? I like to read. I want to be 100% Christian.

Merry bright Christmas David

Jeffrey Roman McClatchy

I am writing to ask if you could please send me your bible study, “How to be a Child of God.” It would be greatly appreciated.

Please and thank you.

Glenna Nicole Smith


I am the Chaplain overseeing the Chapel and religious services here at Mountain View Correctional Institution.

We have experienced budget cuts that have deeply affected the operation of the Chapel and religious service of the institution. Our ability to purchase the necessary and desired items for the spiritual growth of our 900 plus inmates that reside here has been greatly hindered.

I am writing you with the hope that you may be able to provide some help in our situation, by providing any of the following items: bibles, Books, Bible Studies, CD’s DVD’s, or other materials that we can put in our library and/or provide for the men.

Any donation that you provide is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me here at the prison. My email address is

Thank you for your time and consideration.

God bless you and your endeavors,

Don Stafford, Chaplain

Mr. Howell,
In the past we have received copies of your booklet, “HOW TO BE A CHILD OF GOD,” free of charge to be given to our offenders here at Diboll Correctional Center. We exhausted our supply long ago and I am writing to inquire about the possibility of restocking our supply. The booklets are very popular with the men. They actually read it. And you know what happens when people expose themselves to the Word of God.

Thanks for all you do.

Chaplain John Salmon


I was given by a friend your publication, “How to Be a Child of God.” I am interested in reading your publications, but in Spanish. If you do have them in Spanish could you send me some?

Your help is highly appreciated.

Francisco Pena

I have read a book that I was given from your department that I truly enjoyed called, “How to Be a Child of God.” I am taking it home with me when I go because I also think it will be wonderful teaching instrument to share with my husband and children. I would love to hear more of the writer’s thoughts and other books that may be available

Michelle Parish

Mr. Howell,

I don’t want to take up much of your time. But I have request. This inmate had a book called“How to be a Child of God,” but could not remember who sent it to him. So he gave me your address. I have a 15-yearsentence. I started my sentence in 2005. In 2008 I asked God to help me walk in His will. In December 27, 2009 I got baptized.

I have hunger for any material written according to scripture to help me grow in His work. How do I go about getting a copy of this booklet?

Do you have an address of a ministry that will supply with this blessing? I have trouble in writing a letter, so my friends told me to imagine that you are in front of me and start from there. So Mr. Howell in whatever help you give, I am very grateful.

In closing thank you for your time. God bless.
Philippians 4:13

David Canales

David Howell,

We recently came across your booklet “How to be a Child of God” and would like to distribute it to the ladies here at McPherson unit. Would you be willing to donate any of those booklets? If so, the above address is our shipping address and Chaplain Yancey if the recipient.


Arkansas Department of Correction

Dear Mr. David Howell,

I am an inmate at CCA in mineral Wells, Texas. I am writing to you after I read your book: “How to be a Child of God.” A fellow inmate let me read your book and it was a blessing to my heart and soul!

Can you please write to me and let me know how I may receive some copies for myself and some fellow church members?

Thank you very much.

Jerrell Barnes

Dear friends,

We would like to request your booklet “How to Be a Child of God.” We would use these books to give to women after worship services. We would appreciate a supply of this wonderful book. Also a donation of any other books that you feel would benefit these women would be a welcomed blessing.

The Chaplaincy program here at Plane State is constantly striving to provide spiritual guidance to the many women within our facility. The materials and financial support we receive from ministries such as yours help to make that possible. Many women have lost their way and are so appreciative of all that is done for them through our Chapel programs. We are always excited to see how God changes lives through the spiritual programs offered within our Chapel ministries.

Again, thank you so much for your generosity.

Sandy Biles, Chaplain

Les mando esta carta para mandar les saludos. Y a la ves pedirles un favor soy un prisionero de la carsel “Neal Unit” en Amarillo, Texas en busca de Dios queria Saber si ustedes me podrian mandar el Libro de “HOW to Be a Child God,” en es Panol Soy Mexicano Grasias Y que Dios

Me Los Bendiga


Can you please send me the book “How to Be a Child of God” and any other literature or reading material that I can read? I am in prison.

Venecia DE Paula

David Howell,

Greetings in the name of the Lord from the Chapel at Racine Correctional Institution, a medium security in Wisconsin. Our Chapel serves plus/minus 1,800 inmates of many different faiths. We are blessed by the many ministries that conduct weekly Bible Studies and Services at our location and also donate religious materials for our inmates.

We have been blessed to receive three of you “How to be a Child of God” devotionals within the past few weeks and they are all in the hands of inmates. It would be a blessing if you could please send us more of these booklets that we could share with our inmates and staff here and our neighboring minimum security facility. We have many inmates who need to come to the Lord and this booklet would help us achieve that wondrous transformation in an inmate’s life. We wish more people would remember that although in prison, we are God’s children as well and need encouragement.

Please feel welcome to contact either of us for any additional information @ (262) 886-3214, Chaplain Nurdeen Ext. 1589 or Chaplain Cole Ext. 1586.

May God richly bless you as your ministry serves Him faithfully.

Chaplains Cole & Nurdeen

Dear David,

My name is Jeremy Monk and I am being held in the Sanchez Unit in El Paso, Texas. I just read your book called: “How to Be a Child of God.”Sir, I have to say it, that it touched my heart. I really want to learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am ready for my life to change. I am not doing so well with support right now and I was wondering if you could send me the Holy Bible – New Living Translation by Tyndale House? This will help me begin my bible study.

I would really appreciate it sir and I thank you for your time. God bless.

Jeremy Monk

Mr. Howell,

I am writing to you about your book: “How to be a Child of God.” I first read this book last year and it was my start to a new life. I am now a child and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I was reading my daily prayer today and it sparked a memory of your book and wished I had my own copy. I remembered that I had written down your contact information and decided to write you and compliment you on a great job you are doing and also ask how I can get a copy of “How to Be a Child of God.” I am in prison where I don’t have easy access to buying things at my convenience.

Thank you for your time.

Matthew Henderson

Dear David Howell Ministries Staff,

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesu! I trust this letter finds you blessed and enjoying all the goodness of our Lord! Thank you for the generous donation of 100 copies of your evangelism book. I have received them in perfect condition and all will be used for the evangelism and discipleship of the men here. Thank you for your generosity and concern for the incarcerated.
May God bless you richly!

Born Again To Win,

Michael R. McComb, Chaplain

To: Mr. David Howell

Hi my name is Melissa Moore. I am writing to you to see if you would mail me a copy of your book. I am in a Substance Abuse Program at the Harris County Jail. I read your book called; “How to Be a Child of God.” belonging to one of the ladies here. So I want to see if you would mail me one.

Melissa Moore

Greetings and respect to you!

My name is Christopher Lee Camden. I am doing a life sentence for murder in prison here in Beaumont, Texas. The reason why I am writing you is first of all because of your book that I read, “How to be a Child of God.” It is a great book and I would like to read more of your books. I have no family out there. My father and mother are both dead and no children or siblings. It’s just me here alone.

I was also wondering if you would help me to find a pen pal. I feel lonely in this place. Could you please help me to find a pen pal that I can communicate with? Hopefully you know somebody who can bless me with a pen pal. The Chaplain doesn’t have the resources to look one for me. Please consider to help me. I am suffering from brain cancer and my days are numbered.

I am white and 37 years old with blue eyes, 5ft.11inches from Dallas, Texas. I don’t have any photos at this time. Could you also please send me books, a bible and a calendar.

Thank you.


We recently received at Mike Durfee State Prison approximately 100 “How to be a Child of God” booklets. We deeply appreciate them. We will be using them at an event that will be available to all 1200 inmates. At that time, we will also be distributing everyone a copy of the book of John.

If you would have more e copies to donate or as additional resources on discipleship to follow up with, we would greatly appreciate it. The Christian community inside is furnished a hamburger meal and free materials at this special event.

Thank you so much for helping out.

Chaplain Connie

To whom it may concern

I am currently incarcerated at a SAFPF rehabilitation prison. I will be here for the next 6 months. I recently had the chance to read one of your books called: “How to be a Child of God.” It was an animated type, hand drawn cartoon like comic book. Igot interested in it and I would like to have anything else similar that you may have that can help my 6-month road to redemption and recovery.

I have never seen a book that is animated so good and uplifting like “How to be a Child of God!” I am sorry that I am not familiar with Mr. David Howell or his work as far as books are concerned, but I am huge fan of reading spiritual based books. Really, it is the only type of books that I am interested in and keep me focused.

Could you please send me some similar books? You will be helping a follower of God on a 6-month journey to stay focused. I have a few books from Joyce Meyer who is also my favorite author and spiritual leader in my life, however, I love the animated book from David Howell.

Thank you.

Joseph Mech