Our Mission

Prison Evangelism exists to provide resources to prisoners about how to be a child of God. Because God’s truth and Spirit transform lives and give prisoners a fresh start, we persevere in determination to honor God, accomplish His work, and love all people. We use precise strategies to reach vast numbers of prisoners in ways that no one else is effectively employing.

We want to see hearts changed and prisons closed!

Our calling is simple. We provide prisoners with understandable presentations about how to be a child of God and grow in their faith. We print and send these resources to prisoners through prison chaplains and staff at a very low cost.

We have a singular evangelism focus. We effectively reach all prisoners, including those in isolation with one core message.

We want to see hearts changed and prisons closed! Our resources give prisoners the opportunity to understand the truth of God’s word and to receive Christ in plain language so they can be transformed.

Our mission is to help prisoners experience hope, forgiveness, and identity in Christ. Prisoners are telling us all the time how our resources give them a new understanding of God’s love and grace, how they put their faith in Christ and became a child of God, finding peace with God and themselves.