Marketing by way of social media is a fairly new technique for me. You cannot ignore the 1.5 to 2.3 Billion prospects on Facebook and YouTube for long.
I recently found this out when I added a little cash to my marketing on my Prison Evangelism, Inc. Facebook page and picked up 2000 “likes”.
The fun starts at the interaction with those who have liked the page and you find out more about one another.
First, I want to say that finding people who are interested in the idea of prisoners, jails or evangelism is a daunting task. If there had been any real interest in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by Christians under any circumstances, the world would have come to Christ one thousand years ago.
The problem is that most find their new found rebirth a wonderful thing worth sharing in only a small window. Soon after the initial euphoria wears off, the new Child of God is content to be in the presence of his fellow Christians. So the opening is of short duration except for those of us who call ourselves evangelists.
That brings us to those who are incarcerated.
The attitude for most of us is that those who are in prison deserve to be there and we have little sympathy for them. Jesus had a different thought about all of this and expressed it on many occasions.
The apostle Paul did also and almost set himself up for imprisonment as did others close to Jesus. Paul did some of his best writing while locked up.
In the course of initiating Prison Evangelism and obtaining non profit status through the IRS, we set out to raise funds to print and distribute our books into prisons. I have found that to be a very difficult process as so few care about the two subjects in our name; prison and evangelism.
Very few large givers or foundations have interest in this sort of endeavor.
Then comes Facebook. Via a nominal amount spent to “boost” our posts and promote the @prisonevangelism page, we have found more than 2000 who by some reasoning or another have found affinity with these two concepts.
Who knows why, but I thank God for them and social media like Facebook Like us on Facebook!
David Howell Prison Evangelism, Inc. PO Box 571977 Houston, Texas 77257 713-623-0690
David, I agree with all of this… You are right on and I applaud you perseverance!